Merk: Filtreau UV-C
120000 Liter Zout water bestendig UVC en Ozone combination
The combination of ozone and UV integrated in this smart designed purifier, ensures fresh and healthy pool water with the possibility of using a minimum of chlorine
The water is pumped into the unit through the supplied reactor. Through the water pressure in the reactor, air is sucked in via the Venturi system. The pressure in the reactor can be read on the manometer, and can be adjusted using the ball valve. The ideal pressure is between 0.4 and 0.7 bar. Air is sucked into the unit via the air valve and flows through the area between the quartz glass and the ozone UV-C lamp. Because air enters the unit via the lamp, it becomes loaded with ozone particles that were generated in the special ozone UV-C lamp, which produces 0.6 grams of ozone. After it has passed the ball valve, the ozone-enriched air is then mixed with water in the reactor. The oxidation and sterilisation take place here, and a powerful disinfection process is achieved. The water-ozone mixture is then exposed to the 25 watt UV-C output generated by the lamp in the stainless steel housing. The lamp has a double function, producing ozone and UV-C light at the same time. The ozone particles in the water are completely broken down again by the UV-C device immediately after they have completed their function. This takes place because the ozone is mixed with water as it passes through the lamp for the second time. The extra strong 2mm thick Duplex stainless steel housing provides an additional UV-C light reflection of up to 35%. The device produces ozone that is 100% safe; and the water that flows out no longer contains any ozone. What remains is fully disinfected, crystal clear swimming pool water that is free from bacteria. A minimal quantity of chlorine is recommended in your swimming pool water, as this will act as a buffer in the swimming pool. It will be necessary to collect the pool water for the period that the pump requires to process the full content of the pool. In this way, new micro-organisms will have no chance to develop.
De Filtreau UV-C Ozone wordt tussen de leidingen van uw filterlijn geplaatst. Het water dient, d.m.v. een pomp, via de venturi-unit door naar het apparaat te worden gepompt. Door de waterdruk van het water in de venturi-unit wordt de lucht automatisch aangezogen. De waterdruk is op de manometer af te lezen en af te stellen via de kogelkraan. De ideale waterdruk ligt tussen de 0.4 en de 0.7 bar. De Ozon die tussen het kwartsglas en de Ozon UV-C-lamp blijft hangen, wordt zo door de venturi-unit afgezogen en in het water gemengd. Op dit moment bevindt zich de zeer krachtige oxidatie en sterilisatie van het water plaats. Hierna passeert het Ozon-geladen water de DUPLEX-behuizing en wordt het blootgesteld aan de krachtige UV-C-straling, welke ook nog eens voor 35% gereflecteerd wordt door de gepolijste binnenzijde. Alle Ozon deeltjes die hun werk hebben gedaan, worden door deze straling afgebroken en omgezet tot zuurstof. Zo heeft u na het passeren van de UV-C-straling géén rest-ozon in uw water. Door de extra brede DUPLEX-behuizing heeft water een extra lange contacttijd met zowel de Ozon deeltjes als de UV-C-straling en resulteert dus in een uiterst efficiënte werking! Een bijkomend voordeel van de extra brede DUPLEX-behuizing is dat het een minimaal drukverlies heeft en geheel resistent is tegen zoutwater.
Advantages of the UV-C & Ozone treatment:
- Ensures fresh, clean and crystal clear water
- Less maintenance and more carefree use of your swimming pool
- Suntan lotion, cosmetics, urine and transpiration are broken down by ozone
- Bound chlorine is broken down by UV-C light
- Disinfects water efficiently and safely
- Protects your pool from germs
- Keeps the formation of mould, bacteria and algae under control
- Can reduce the use of chlorine by up to 90% immediately after the installation
- Disinfection is user-friendly and safe
- More environmentally-friendly than traditional methods
- Cost-saving
Features of the Salt Water Filtreau UVC Unit :
- Up to 35% more UV-C yield as a result of reflection
- 100% efficient and constant operation
- High Grade Duplex stainless steel housing
- The Filtreau Ozone UV-C is earthed
- Ozone UV-C lamp operates for 4,500 hours (± 2 swimming seasons)
- The device indicates when the lamp needs replacing
- Easy installation and maintenance
- 2-year guarantee covering manufacturing faults
Technical specifications UV-C Ozone 120.000 L
- Swimming pool content 120.000 L
- Lamp 120 Watt
- UV-C (W) 40 Watt
- Max. flow 30.000 L/h
- Max. pressure 2 bar
- Max. ozone 1 GR/h
- Connection size Ø 63mm
- Length of the device 100cm
- Width of the device 90 mm
- Power 220-230v 50-60Hz
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Merk: Filtreau UV-C
Merk: Filtreau UV-C